My Furnace Won’t Turn On

Welcome to Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning’s blog, where we understand the frustration of a chilly home when your furnace decides to take an unexpected vacation. If you’ve found yourself with a furnace that won’t turn on during one of these frosty winter mornings in Wichita, you’re not alone. But don’t worry! Before you reach for the phone to call in the experts, let’s explore some troubleshooting tips and tricks that you can try yourself. With a little DIY savvy, you might just reignite the warmth in your home without braving the cold – or the cost. Let’s embark on a journey to troubleshoot your silent furnace and bring back the cozy comfort you deserve.

Hanna Team

You’ve come to the right place for some troubleshooting you can do before you call in the Wichita professionals at Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning.

Here are 11 things that may be causing your furnace to not turn on.

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1. If you have a furnace that won’t turn on, the first place to check is the furnace switch. This switch is your unit’s power source and is usually located on the side of the furnace or next to it. It looks a lot like a light switch. Verify that the switch is in the ‘on’ position. If the switch is flipped to the ‘off’ position, switch it to the ‘on’ position and see if your system starts up.

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2. If this doesn’t get your furnace back on, your circuit breaker is the next logical place to check. The problem could stem from a blown furnace fuse or a tripped breaker. A tripped breaker will cut electricity to your unit, making it unable to turn on. If you find that the breaker is tripped, flip the breaker to restore power to your furnace, and your furnace should turn on.

3. Another common cause of a furnace not turning on may simply be an incorrectly programmed thermostat, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a thermostat with dead batteries. Your thermostat is a very important part of your system and keeps your house at the exact temperature you want. Verify that the thermostat is set to ‘Heat’, at the correct temperature, and that it’s not set to ‘fan only’. Also, make sure the batteries aren’t dead and that everything is functioning properly.

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4. Another thing to double-check is the thermostat wires. If these wires become broken or loose, this severs the communication with your furnace. By removing the thermostat, you can do a visual check to ensure the wires are securely attached and that there is no visible damage. If you don’t feel comfortable assessing or repairing the wires, one of Hanna’s HVAC professionals is always willing to help. Give us a call at (316)945-3481 anytime.

5. If your furnace still won’t turn on, your next stop is to check out your air filter. If it’s been a while since the filter was changed, your airflow circulation may have become blocked. When airflow is blocked, it will keep your HVAC system from functioning properly. When the system does not have proper airflow, it will struggle to keep up, and there is a risk of overheating. To keep this from happening, it is recommended that filters are changed every 90 days for average households without pets.

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6. If you’ve tried all these things and your furnace still isn’t turning on, you will want to ensure that your gas valve shut off on the furnace’s gas line is turned on. If the handle is parallel to the gas line, you know it’s on. If the handle is perpendicular, however, this means the gas is turned off. You will want to rotate the handle until it is parallel to the gas line.

Hanna heating technicians installing new high efficiency furnace in Wichita home.

7. While you’re in front of the furnace, check to make sure none of the access panels are ajar. Your furnace has many fail-safes placed in its design to protect homeowners. One of these safety features will turn off your furnace if any of the access panels are out of place. Do a visual inspection to make sure no panels are missing screws, out of place, or have been damaged in any way.

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8. One of the most common issues when your furnace is not turning on is a dirty or faulty ignition sensor. If you hear your furnace click on but not start running, this is likely your problem. This is something you can check yourself if you feel comfortable, or you can call the experts at Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning at (316)945-3481 to take a look. First, make sure you turn off the gas to the furnace and then remove the front panel, where you will find the ignitor or ignition sensor near the burners. If the sensor or ignitor is dirty, you can remove it carefully with a screwdriver and gently clean it – be careful not to break it. Once cleaned, replace it back how you found it, put the front panel back on, turn on the gas, and then turn your furnace on. Adjust the temperature on your thermostat and see if your furnace now starts up. Keep in mind it may take a few minutes to start running, so be patient. If you’d rather have one of our experts check it out, contact us today –

Hanna HVAC installers in Wichita high efficiency furnace main burner

9. Another thing you can check if your furnace isn’t turning on is your drain pan. This condensation drain pan is located under your furnace and is meant to collect excess water. If this pan becomes full, it will trigger the Safety Float Switch to shut down the whole system. Emptying and replacing the pan is a great short-term solution, but you’re likely dealing with a clogged condensate line, drain, or a faulty pump. One of the experts at Hanna can diagnose and solve this problem for you.

10. The Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning team undergoes continuous training to ensure they are always ready to answer the call when issues arise. There are a variety of other issues within the system that can cause issues with your furnace turning on.

    • A bad capacitor
    • A dirty blower motor
    • A tripped High Limit switch
    • A triggered pressure switch

A call to the professionals at Hanna will be needed to fix these things properly. We’d be happy to get you taken care of at (316)945-3481.

11. Last but definitely not least, it may be time to replace your aging system. Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning offers a variety of brands with 0% interest financing to help you find the system that is best for you. Count on the team that has been the HVAC Experts in Wichita for over 40 years –

Hanna Heating & Air Conditioning 40th Anniversary in Wichita, KS

As we conclude our troubleshooting, remember that a silent furnace doesn’t have to leave you out in the cold. By following these DIY tips and tricks, you’ve taken the first steps toward restoring warmth and comfort to your home. If you’ve exhausted all options and your furnace still won’t turn on, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Hanna Heating and Air Conditioning in Wichita, KS. Our dedicated team is here to ensure your home stays cozy and comfortable throughout the winter months. Stay warm, stay cozy, and embrace the comfort of a well-functioning furnace!

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Hanna Heating and Air has been a trusted name in Wichita for 3 generations. With locations in Wichita, Newton and Andover, trust our HVAC technicians to be ready to deliver the services you need. Stop by and see our showroom of products on display at our main Wichita location at 220 N. West St. We are conveniently near the center of town. From Kellogg, take the West St. exit heading north. Our large West Wichita location is just a mile up the road on your right.

Need a repair today? With more than 70 trucks in the field, you can be sure no other local heating and air company can deliver faster professional service.

Whether you need repair, maintenance, or new installation of your furnace or air conditioner, contact us today to let us get our comfort specialists right to work on your home or business.

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